About our blog


Welcome to our blog about places to see, food to eat, wine to drink, poetry to read, and whatever else comes to mind. The Portuguese navigators discovered much of the world four hundred years ago, but the world has yet to discover Portugal. So, the country remains the last secret of Europe. A place of castles and palaces, mountains and valleys, sand and sea. All bathed in warm light, all cooled by the breeze that carries the ocean’s salt, the salt of Portugal.

A small group of friends produces this blog. Sergio Rebelo writes the text. Maria Rebelo takes most of the photographs. Rui Barreiros Duarte makes most of the drawings. Pedro Rebelo produces the music. Pedro Teles guides our choices with his impeccable taste.

237 thoughts on “About our blog

  1. What a terrific blog!!! I love the pictures and the accompanied descriptions/stories. I wonder who the authors are, mmm??? Could it be a talented professional photographer? A story teller (or writer maybe?) who loves Portugal? Or, maybe an economist, musician, painter paired with an acclaimed chef and an expert web technician???
    I am starting to feel the breeze that carries the salt of Portugal, and luckily will live surrounded by it very soon.

    1. This is a wonderful blog. I wonder if you could get in touch with me? I’m a TV producer based in the UK, planning to come to Lisbon to make a food programme for the BBC and would love your help! I would be very grateful . . .

  2. Congratulations on your great blog!
    It is a great window case for our culture and in particular a wonderful personal opinion about Portugal and everything that makes our identity. My name is Verónica Paixão and I am one of the food people passionate writing the blog http://www.aportuguesedish.com that we recently created to display the best of our gastronomy. Every week, based on a dish, will tell the story of a restaurant and the persons that make it come alive.
    We’d love to add your blog to our blogroll and have ours included in your suggested blogs. Have a look around and let me know!
    Kind regards,

    1. I am coming with my wife to Portugal for three weeks, beginning 8th September 2015. I am going to rent a car, and want to stay in three different places, each for one week, so that i can take day trips around each stop.Please can some one advise me which three places are best to stop at. I thought Porto, Lisbon and Faro. I would very much appreciate some help.

      1. These are good choices. If you would not mind changing hotel more often an alternative plan is to stay: 4 days in Lisbon, 2 in Sintra, 1 in Obidos, 4 in Oporto, 3 in the Douro Valley, 3 Alentejo and 4 in Faro. You’ll find lots of suggestions of activities, hotels and restaurants in our blog. Have a great trip!

  3. Dear Veronica:

    Your blog is wonderful; congratulations! It is a great contribution to increasing the quality of the information available about Portugal. We just linked to it and we look forward to reading your posts every week.

    With best regards,

    Sergio Rebelo

  4. Great! Thank you, Sergio.
    I’ll also check Salt of Portugal regularly for I have subscribed it, and look forward to hearing more about it.
    I’ve also added you to our links.
    Kind regards,

  5. I recently subscribed to this blog and admire it for its style and originality.
    i have added you to my blog
    and would invite you to become a follower.
    I’ve been asked to participate in the Tripbase 7 links project? Details here http://blog.tripbase.com/blog/my-7-links-the-rules/ example here http://thepublandlady.blogspot.com/2011/09/pub-landladys-greatest-hits.html, As one the bloggers I read on a more than regular basis would you mind if I nominated your blog as one of my five? I look forward to hearing from you.


    Rupert Kirby

  6. Dear Rupert:

    We also like your blog; it is great to see the perspective of someone who has moved to Portugal. We included a link to your blog in our blog roll a while ago.

    We would be happy to be one of your five blogs in the Tripbase 7 links project. Thanks for inviting us.

    I look forward to keep reading your posts,

    Sergio Rebelo

    1. Hello Sergio,
      I just discovered your blog while planning a trip to Portugal with my 80 year old mother – she has always wanted to visit so we are going in September. We plan to start in Lisbon and end in Oporto with stops in between. I have already made reservations at the restuarants you recommended in those two cities. I am wondering if you can recommend others on the in between must visit places like Evora, Coimbra, Batalha, Alentejo? we would greatly appreciate any guidance you can provide. We will be in Portugal from Sept 3-13.


      Monica Mahoney

      1. Dear Monica:

        In Evora the place we like is Botequim da Mouraria
        (266746775). It only seats 10 people so reservations are a must.

        Near Batalha, for an informal meal we recommend the restaurants in the town of Mealhada. Here is our post about them: http://bit.ly/1r9l5bt

        For something more elegant, we recommend the Bussaco Hotel restaurant, which is very much worth visiting. Take a look at: http://bit.ly/1rr2DqX

        In Coimbra we recommend Quinta das Lágrimas. Here is our post: http://bit.ly/1hTgOjY

        We are planning to be in Alentejo in August, so we will blog about the restaurants there at that point.

        Have a great trip!

        Sergio Rebelo

  7. Really nice blog, I just subscribed!I am one of those people that fell in love with Portugal and always returns back! I just created a fresh blog about travelling,it’s still under construction but most of my posts are about this wonderful country, whenever you’d like,give it a check!


    your blog will definitely be in my blogroll,!Keep posting!

    Best regards,

  8. Congrats on your blog! Both entertaining and enlightening.

    I´ll have to discover Portugal myself after reading your posts. I have Portuguese ancestry (from Ponte de Lima), that´s one of the reasons, apart from the beauty of the place.

    I will add your blog to my blogroll and I invite you to my photoblogs:
    http://www.elojodemicamara.wordpress.com (Spanish)
    http://www.tryingtodomybest.wordpress.com (English)

    You will find mostly photos from Uruguay.

    Best regards,

    1. Thanks for your comment. We enjoyed seeing your photos as well as your blog on translation. Are you familiar with “If This Be Treason: Translation and Its Dyscontents, A Memoir”? It is written by a great translator, Gregory Rabassa. He translated the novels of Gabriel Garcia Marquez into English.

      Ponte de Lima is beautiful, we hope you get a chance to check it out!

  9. I just came back from Portugal and am looking to purchase a cataplana! I happened to “run into YOUR blog (and immediately subscribed!!! I LOVED the palace and, well every place we visited over our 11 days…I am longing for the wonderful food and look forward to following your posts!!! Thank you!

  10. Beautiful blog 🙂 Only found out about this today, it’s nice to see other blogs dedicated to Portugal. I loved the stories – I post mainly photos but now I feel like writing more.

  11. Sérgio Rebelo,
    parabéns pela ideia e concretização deste blog. Gostaria de lhe colocar a seguinte pergunta: tenho um pequeno hotel de charme numa vila histórica em Portugal, que por razões diversas preciso vender. Saberia indicar-me contactos de imobiliárias ou interessados credíveis aí nos EUA? Fico muito grata por me dispensar do seu tempo.
    I have a charming hotel to sell in Portugal. If you know someone interested, I appreciate your help. Regards. Sofia

  12. Olá tive a sorte de ver na televisao a sua entrevista e fiquei encantada pela fantastica divulgacao de Portugal e das boas coisas Portuguesas ” que sao muitas”. Venho pedir que visite o nosso site http://www.montedoareeiro.com, um turismo rural no Ribatejo, e se gostar que o divulgue.

    Obrigada e bem haja

    Maria Joao

  13. Inteligente, elegante, imaginativo… notável blog! fresco como uma brisa marinha, sedutor como uma Marylin de 20 anos, surpreendente como um verso de Pessoa…
    PARABENS !!!

  14. What a wonderful blog–beautifully done! I enjoyed it very much. It makes me want to go to Portugal. Thank you.

    1. Thanks! Portugal is a place where you can have an unforgettable vacation. If you ever decide to go, we’re happy to suggest an itinerary that fits your interests. Just let us know!

  15. Hello there,
    I just thought I would drop you a line as my mum Jenny Grainer has written a book about Portugal that you might like? It is free today and this weekend on kindle, and I was hoping that if you liked it enough, you might mention it on your blog? it’s a lovely collection of true stories.

    Now also available in Kindle format, this is a collection of warm, humourous, sentimental, personal and socially insightful true stories of a Brit abroad. A wonderful cross section of a life sliced into freshly remembered memoirs, easy for the reader to enjoy on a plane, by the pool or in the office during lunch, to discover more about a charming country from someone who has truly experienced it.

    Donkeys, social (mis) adventures, political changes through the 60’s and 70’s, rickety ambulances, boozy Bert, sardines, celebrities, relationships, ladies of the night and more are all fondly captured in stories and recounted for your enjoyment and to bring you closer to this wonderful country.

    This collection of stories document Portugal’s growth and development through the eyes of an Englishwoman.

    Please email me on sophiegist [at] yahoo [dot] com with any questions at all, she is in the UK until Monday and I am helping her understand kindle better, thank you. I’m trying to learn more about promotion also as you can tell!

    Thank you

    Sophie Gist

  16. Awesome Blog regading tourist place in Portugal…..It enjoyed reading the beauty of blog the way it presented…I must suggest to all my friends to visit this place..Please post some more picture of different Hotels,natural beauty and travel places also…:) Great job.

  17. this is a great blog. I was in Portugal for quite a few years, and now still, carry it with me inside wherever I go. There is SO much to cover in terms of their culture and gastronomy, I am the author at http://www.thecodreport.wordpresss.com if you ever feel like dropping in. Best of luck and keep the great information coming, I’ll stop in and say hi next time I am in Lisboa! 😉 Bjs. aaron

  18. I like very much your site. Portugal is a very especial and peaceful country. I love to travel to your country and enjoy making photos in some places like algarve and more. Congratulations again. Keep giving us important information about this beautiful land

  19. You might want to check out Azores Islands. Surfing, body boarding, windsurfing, water skiing, jet skiing, sailing, kayaking, kite surfing, boating, diving some of the most virgin locations in the world, whale watching, swimming with dolphins, and spelunking are some of the available options in the island, and all these will be just right outside of the doorstep of one of the Most Incredible Unit in Azores. This got more pictures that will fascinate you!!

  20. I just ‘tripped’ on you blog without trying and i liked it very informative a

    although most of it is new to me (i left 50 some years ago) continue mostrando novas paisagens e nova da nossa Terra

  21. I just discovered your blog today, via Twitter. It’s gorgeous and well-written. Kudos to you!

    I’ve been blogging about Portugal ever since my first trip in 2011, but the real evidence of my love for this country is that I married a citizen and moved here last year.

  22. Nice blog!
    I have been to Portugal 30 to 40 times. I dont remember exactly.
    Your information are usefull for every traveller.
    Best regards

  23. Sergio;
    Excellent blog & beautifully presented! My wife & I will visit Portugal for the first time next month. Are you able to put me in touch with someone who could show us around Mercado da Ribeira? Thank you.

    1. Dear David: I’m glad you found our blog useful. I hope you’ll have a fabulous time in Portugal. I am not sure you’ll need a guide for Mercado da Ribeira. It is a lot of fun to tour the fish and food stalls. In addition, there is now at the mercado a place where many of the top chefs in Lisbon have stalls. It is a great place to eat. We plan to blog about it in the next couple of weeks.

      Have a great trip! Sergio

  24. Hi! In our website/blog, inpicturaveritas.com we have some and will have more pictures of Portugal. Feel free to follow us and respost some of those pictures. Have a nice day!

  25. Desde da primeira vez que entrei no vosso blogue, fiquei maravilhada. Gosto muito do vosso trabalho e acho fantástico a forma como mostram o nosso País e de que como também ele é algo de espectacular.
    Espero que continuem o bom trabalho! 🙂
    Um abraço, M.

  26. My husband and I lived in Portugal for a number of years. Our children were born in the British Hospital in Lisbon. If there had been a way to stay forever, we would have. I love Portuguese cuisine, and I was excited to discover your blog. I would return if I could. I was so excited to find your blog.

      1. Thank you for the follow. We are hoping that we can get back there, too. I never thought to fall in love with a country, but there it is.

  27. Dear Sergio (and others!),

    Firstly, thank you so much for this thoughtful blog – it’s a delight to read and peruse. My friend and I will be traveling to Lisbon next week and I came across this post: http://purplefoodie.com/lisbon-food-guide/#.VPoQSLPF9Lw which mentions that “Sergio of Salt of Portugal put me in touch with a friend whom he described as having the “most discriminating palates in Lisbon” who might be able to show me around Mercado da Ribeira. Unfortunately, our schedules didn’t match so I couldn’t meet him, but he did email me his recommendations for the market and how best to manoeuvre the market looking for produce.”

    It may be too much trouble for your friend to show us around the market, but even a list of suggestions from someone so familiar with the market and its foods would be wonderful! Is there any possibility of getting in contact with him or someone similar?

    Thank you so much!

    — Es

    1. Thanks for reading our blog. Our friend is traveling but you can find all the relevant information by typing Ribeira on the search box of our blog. If you like cheese we highly recommend a visit to the new Queijaria in Rua das Flores, where you can sample wines and cheese from Portugal. Here is the link: http://queijaria.wix.com/queijaria We how you’ll have a great time, Sergio

      1. Sergio, Thank you so very much for the personal recommendations and advice! We will be living near Rossio, so this is great information and I can’t wait to try so many of the restaurants you have listed within your blog. Thank you again!

  28. Wow I love the beautiful pictures on your blog! I just came back from a trip to the north of Portugal and loved it (once again!). There is so much more to experience than what’s known to most foreigners. And the bacalhau……!!
    – Yvette

  29. Parabéns pelo blog… simples, de bom gosto e bem escrito! Já foi adicionado aos meus favoritos… e obrigado pela visita ao “Raphinadas”, também nos esforçamos em oferecer conteúdo de qualidade e diferenciado!

  30. Olá!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have been trying to spread the word about this secret corner of Europe, and have the best job in the world to do it: walking tour guide of Lisbon!

    Your blog is perfect, giving me ideas and inspirations to keep people informed and entertained about this beautiful country.

    I hope my blog is also helping to spread the word about some of my favourite writers, who just happen to be Portuguese!!

    99. Fernando Pessoa…

    113. A Saramago Selection…

    Keep up the good work!

  31. I’ve been quietly checking in for many years now and want to say a big THANKS YOU salt of portugal for your wonderful ‘insider’ secrets of portugal. I can rely on you for special details of where to send friends who come to visit. Thanks for the quality!

  32. I was hoping that you could write an article on artisanal fishing. We have been reading you blog for over a year and we are visiting Portugal in August, we would like to see the fishermen pull in the nets Ike the old days and I understand that still happens.
    Thnx Ana

    1. Hi Ana, thanks a lot for reading our blog. You’re likely to be able to see the traditional fisherman pull the nets in Nazaré as well as in several beaches in Algarve. Have a great time in Portugal!

  33. Three years ago, I moved my family to Fiais da Beira in the heart of Portugal. I was so happy to stumble across your blog. I love the pen and ink piece on the website and the photographs on the posts. Salt of Portugal is an elegant site. Very Portuguese.

  34. Although we are based in Spain,me are near the Portuguese border and are often visiting.you have a lovely blog and very informative with some great pics.Will come back to see more soon.

  35. Best secret place of Portugal: to well know the country and its roots, it is important to know Braga (city with over 2000 years of history) and Guimarães (the birthplace of the nation, with its beautiful castle).
    Suggested sleeping accommodation: Quinta Dom José Rural Tourism

  36. You guys make me want to book a flight back right now and check out the rest of the country! I was in Lisbon for a week and LOVED every minute of it.

  37. Hello Sérgio,

    I am Alejandro C. Garcia, an Assistant Professor of Economics in Seville, Spain who happens to enjoy your academic papers a great deal. As far as I am concerned, you are one of the 3 best macroeconomists worldwide. In addition, I am deeply in love with Portugal since at least the late 90s. I nearly spend more time in your country than in mine. Living in Spain is, from the point of view of geographical proximity, truly a blessing. A fact that helps me enjoy your country so much is that I speak Portuguese quite decently (the Brazilian variant though, as my wife is from Brazil). I even would rather watch Bom dia Portugal or the Telejornais on the RTP site on the Internet than the Spanish news on the tv. Coming across this blog has been a terrific surprise. From now on, I am gonna keep an eye on it on a weekly basis to read the new posts. Keep up your excellent work on Economics and on this awesome blog!!!

    Com os melhores cumprimentos,


  38. many thanks for your reply. i will reexamine my plan. Your Blog is very nice and been a big help best regards edward

  39. Grato pelo ‘like’ no meu ‘boats in tilt-shiftmode’. Mais grato estou por me darem a conhecer o vosso interessantíssimo blog, que ainda estou a começar a explorar. Da minha parte, podem contar com muitas fotos de Portugal. Bem hajam!

  40. Thank you for your comment on my picture of Madeira! The quality doesn’t come anywhere close to the ones you have here which are beautiful! Your blog is very clear and so well built I will for sure be following it for new posts!

  41. Hey guys I’ve nominated you for the Liebster award. If you decide to accept, the instructions are here – amariajoana.wordpress.com/2015/10/26/the-liebster-award
    Have a great rainy week!

  42. Glad to know that my post on Sintra did well. We enjoyed our two days at port in Lisbon. We didn’t get to explore Lisbon as much as I wanted, but we made best of the time we had.

  43. What a gorgeous place to read and dream about your beautiful country! Well-written and engaging texts, great photography, fantastic drawings… Nothing else to wish for except a ride through Portugal :). Fell in love with the landscapes when watching Vale Abraão and have been wanting to go ever since. Also addicted to pastéis de nata which we’d love to learn to bake. Thank you to all of you for bringing this blog together — it’s nice to see such a successful common project.

  44. What a lovely find! Will be attending a conference in Lisbon at the end of March and you’re providing me with far too many reasons to sneak out early each day. Good thing I booked a few extra days for touring about. Would love some advice if willing to provide: Arrive Lisbon on a Saturday afternoon and conference does not begin until following Thursday evening. So I have 3-4 days/nights to wander about and wondering what you might suggest for diversity of sites outside of Lisbon, but w/out always being on the move. Open to finding something central and then daytripping from there for those 3-4 days, then back to Lisbon on Thurs. Part of me wants to rent a car for freedom, part of me wants to train somewhere for fewer hassles. Ideas?

  45. You have a very nice blog about a beautiful country. In April/ May we will visit Olhos de Água, in the Algarve near Albufeira. Do you know some interesting places? We will stay in an apartment for 4 weeks. In the past we have visited 2 times the Algarve. The first time in Alvor and the second time in Lagos.

    Best regards,
    Ronald from the Netherlands

  46. I’ve seen many blogs or websites around portuguese culture but surely this one is among the very best. Great presentation, beautiful photos and articles, and a very nice way to promote our country. Congratulations and keep up with the good work!


  47. Thanks for clicking on my blog and reading my peri-peri chicken recipe (one of my favourite things about Portugal!) Just discovered yours! I’ve been going to Portugal (the Algarve) for 30 years now, ever since i was a baby and my cousin lives out there now too.
    I will definitely be clicking round your site to see if you have any fab ideas that I don’t know about yet!
    Good luck with blog

  48. I love, love, love your blog! As a huge fan of Portugal and a chef who leads culinary tours there, your blog is an invaluable resource.

    Thank you!


  49. That’s so kind of you. Thank you! Do you offer or organize any culinary experiences or classes in Portugal? If so, I’d love to hear about them. 🙂

  50. I am thrilled to find your blog. I spent two months in Portugal once upon a time – teaching at the University of Porto. Love your country! I’ll spend lots of time reading this blog!

  51. I must join in the chorus of praise from other visitors; this is truly a wonderful blog. So professional and artistic in its layout, approach and execution. Kudos to all involved. After an inspiring visit last year, I moved to Estoril two weeks ago with my wife and our faithful dog, Wyatt Earp Clark (!). We’ve decided to spend a year in this fascinating country, not as tourists, but to live deeply, to explore and meld into the daily life of Portugal. So far, everything — people, sites, food, wine, et al — has exceeded all of our expectations. I look forward to following your blog and to continue to be tempted by all the tasty offerings presented here. Thank you for all your hard work and passion. Nelson

  52. Hey,

    this is a great blog. It is awesome to get a little view into your ideas and your culture!
    We also visited Lisbon last year and were simply amazed. Besides that we have also been to some other places in Portugal, including Madeira. Maybe you would also like to have a look at our report on Portugal 🙂


    CU and safe travels!

  53. Congratulations on your blog guys. Smooth and beautifully crafted. Our energy consultants from Portugal will periodically be writing energy-related posts concerning Portugal’s environment (both in english and portuguese), and we are always glad to receive portuguese readers to our Blog. Keep up the good work, and thanks for dropping by!

    -Magnus CMD

  54. Bem, pelos nomes calculo que sejam Portugueses, por isso vou escrever em Português, pois embora viva em Londres há 40 anos, ainda não esqueci a minha língua materna.Isto não é uma crítica: o facto de ser escrito em Inglês vai ao encontro dum número mais vasto de leitores e dá a conhecer a cultura e a gastronomia do nosso país a quem não fala a língua. Encontrei este blog por acaso e adorei; é o melhor blog deste género que encontrei. As fotografias são fabulosas, e os artigos são honestos e interessantes. Gostei de ler os artigos sobre o Alentejo, e foi uma agradável surpresa re-encontrar a Adega Típica Quarta Feira. Continuem!

  55. I spent the summer of 1966 in (mostly) Lisbon. It would be fun to see it again after half a century.

    I remember being exposed to the quatrains of Silva Tavares, who I just found out died only two years before my visit.

  56. I had the chance to visit Portugal, mainly Lisbon, last year, and indeed it is such a beautiful place. It’s like Madrid, only a little quieter. Hopefully, I’d get to visit it again soon.

  57. Ola,
    Sou o David do restaurante Os Gazeteiros.
    Obrigado pela sua visita, e parabens para o vosso blog, cheio de coisas boas.
    Quando puder gostava ter o contacto do produtor de carne que falamos a semana passada, obrigado!
    Até breve,



    1. Olá David, gostámos imenso de falar consigo e de almoçar nos Gazeteiros. Estamos a trabalhar no post para publicar esta semana. Aqui vai a informação sobre o produtor de carne. http://www.alentejomoments.com .
      Já contatamos a Helena Borges sobre o seu interesse. Vou-lhe pedir para o contatar. Estamos a contar ir jantar ao Gazeteiros na quarta feira por isso até breve!

  58. I was hoping for some help in tracking a route from Porto to `Lagos, we are coming in June and will be renting a car when we leave Porto. We are happy for it to take all day to drive down to Lagos, just looking for some road numbers, places to stop, maybe for lunch ..etc.

  59. Thanks for liking my blog ‘Hardship or Paradise’ on CalltoAdventure. Even though I do not follow your blog, it’s a site I frequently visit while traveling in this beautiful country.

  60. I was thrilled to learn about Salt of Portugal. It’s such a wonderful site and I especially want to thank you for visiting my website and “liking” my “Visiting the Azores Now” article. I have just posted something about the Algarve and thought I’d share it with you: https://thetorzorean.com
    So great to have the ability to share our love of Portugal due to your website. Keep up the great work of promoting our culture.
    Emanuel Melo

  61. Hello. I am reaching you on behalf of Wildiscovery. A Portuguese Startup that promotes touristic activities in Portugal. We would like to know if you would be interested in advertising us. Thank you

  62. This is lovely! I have bookmarked this page and will use it next month when I start my month-long trip to Portugal.

  63. Olá Francisca e Sérgio,
    Estamos a contactar blogs internacionais de viagens do top 40 – por isso vos escrevo… e em inglês 🙂

    Congratulations on your travel blog. It offers great information in an effective way.
    This is why I am writing you.

    We are in Lisbon, Portugal – quite trendy these days – hosting Van Gogh Alive, and would like to invite you to share this “experience” with your readers/followers.

    I would love to send you info on this multimedia experience so that you may share it in your blog, should you find it interesting. We would also suggest offering up to 10 tickets in your blog. Can you shar an email where I can send 2 pdfs?

    Additionally, should you be around, we would love to invite you to visit the exhibition and chat a bit.

    Speak soon,


  64. Just discovered your amazing blog. Very impressive!
    We are Susan and John presently living in Panama and traveling as often as we can. Our plans, while we are here, is to visit every country in South America and some Caribbean Islands.
    Once we reach that goal we would like to be based in Portugal or Spain for several years which would make it more economical to visit Europe etc.


  65. Clearly I have much to learn yet, about Portugal. Now that I know whom to ask, I will be back to pester with questions – fair warning. 😉 I hope to delve more deeply into Portugal in the near future, perhaps as a resident instead of a tourist. Thanks for visiting my pages.

  66. Hi there, wouw… so many of you:) and it is a very nice blog. I am a foodie too. Anyway, thank you for the smile on my website (frejatravels.com). However you might want to check your gravatar profile as it is not connected or link to your blog. When you smile on my website (frejatravels.com) I could not click anything on your website and I have to google search to find you. Cheers. Yunni

  67. Great blog! Nice teamwork, please keep posting. Thanks for following our blog. Portugal is a gem and we love our live here as expats.

  68. Hello Sergio

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year

    I was hoping to get some guidance from you regarding visiting Portugal in first week June.
    We are travelling with 2 boys, 5 and 2 year old

    I have the below itinerary for now

    – Lisbon 5 days – Day trips to Cascais and Sintra
    – Train to Porto – 2 nights (trip to Braga if possible)
    – Drive or Train to Duoro Valley – 2 nights. Would love to stay at one of your recommended Quinta De Guimaraes
    – Back to Lisbon – Is there any little town or village you recommend to stop on our way back to Lisbon as I believe it is a long drive back.
    – Any beaches in the South closer to Lisbon maybe that is less touristy but worth going to?

    Lastly, is June first week a good time to visit the above areas?

    Thank you so much.
    Kind Regards

  69. Hi!!

    I came to your page because of the Lupins post. I was in Porto and LOVED it. Do you know where I can get this in Lisbon?

  70. I love your blog. Always great reading! If you’re looking for something to do next March, you wouldn’t go far wrong in coming down to my end of Portugal (actually I live on the other shore of the Rio Guadiana in Spain, for the Contraband Festival that spans the Rio Guadiana from Alcoutim in Portugal to Sanlucar de Guadiana in Spain, celebrating our shared history, with a temporary footbridge linking the two villages for one weekend each year. The festival has been running for the past three years and gets better and better (and bigger and bigger) each year, with amazing food, beers, etc. Usually on the last weekend of March. xx

  71. In Sintra we like to eat at Curral dos Caprinos. (We call it “The Goat” for short). Great ambiance and service, with “typical” (authentic) Portuguese food in generous portions (two can easily share the soup “appetizer,” as an example. We were delighted to find that they had availability for our daughter’s rehearsal dinner, so that’s where it will be next month.

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